This pic of H was given to us in laminated form along with these words of encouragement. ...what a leader Hannah is! We can just see her growing more and more to lead others to Jesus in her pure and powerful way. We have loved sharing this year of her life...
What a joy to have someone love your kids with the love of Jesus. There's more to the story, because H doesn't like change we tried to make it as simple as possible for her to move up to the 4 year old class. We talked and prayed about it for weeks before. The Saturday before the first day of Fall "kickoff" at church(did I tell you I am officially married to "sponge Rod" ...saturated by the Word of God?, etc. that is a whole other story...) anyway, C, H and I were sitting at the table coloring and I said "I am starting a new class tom. and I am nervous about it." I thought it may provide opportunity if anyone else was feeling that way...but I was not expecting the response I got. Charis said "I know mom." and then she shared some stuff with me that she was personally feeling. AND then H said "Mommy, I'll pray for you." and she DID. I was so humbled...touched...blessed and encouraged. Prayer is powerful.
Woh! What we can't learn from children! May God continue to give Hannah as well as Charis a very sensitive heart toward God. They have great examples to follow watching their own parents!