...and other things that have absolutely nothing to do with how beautiful this sunshiny day is or how much I love vbs week.
in (pre)clusion...this may be feeling driven...I count it ok at this time as it positively contributes to the overall mind, body, and spirit.:) oh my. that was too many words.
It is time to count blessings...
...the bright, happy flowers R planted for me.
...noticing a book by Francis Chan in the church bookstore. I will always picture him alternating chugging lemonade and chocolate milk (till we all wanted to be sick) in order to illustrate that the Holy Spirit and living in sin do not mix.
...did I say that I love vbs?
...and the kids trying to say their verses
INTERRUPTED to say "no Hannah, we are not watching Frosty the Snowman"...
train of thought gone.
insert pic. and spread the cheer.

Enjoyed your new posts. The post about TV is really right on and we all have to be careful what we look at and hear! Yet I think this goes for a lot of things. Moderation is better than excess in anything!