Thursday, May 22, 2008

Life is just a "chair of bowlies"

I imagine Rodney is possibly flying over Mexico at the moment, straining to find Tim and Michelle's freshly painted bright pink (I mean now yellow) house. :). Or, possibly delayed in some airport somewhere. I wish I was with him. H and I went in pursuit of "fun" craft distractions. I also found a cute basket for my devo. stuff half off. First email I checked was an update on Wetzels language study. What a joy. I spent my share of time sitting in her kitchen (I wonder if she still has the "chair of bowlies" picture on the wall there) far not Africa. If God will "hurry to help" Sarah in Africa, I know that He will help me while R is away. Thank you Jesus for reminders that you are at work ALL over the world.

"I have been to Tebebe's home a few times but this was her first time to my "wide' home (she called it wide - and she is right.) and she came with a special gift. She picked Psalm 46:5 for me, her husband did it up in Amaharic on the computer and she laminated it. She had me read it (which I could - amazing!) and she explained it meant: "God is in her, she shall not be moved. He will hurry to help her at the beginning of each day." She chose this promise for me as I move down to Langano. She said she can see God in me and I should not get discouraged because He will always help me - every single day.

I know that is the only way I have made it through this year: God is with me. He has helped me to take one day at a time - yes, every morning He has helped me. And He has put children around me and special ladies like my missionary neighbors and teachers and Tebebe to help me, too."


  1. hey annette, i finally found a moment ro read your blog very mobil child has keep my on my toes all day..but anyhow...we said a prayer for R and you all today. Hope the day went well...gald you found some "distractions" give me a call if you are ever in need a a distractions...we arnt good at the phone thing.. but its so good to hear your voice & the energetic girls. I pray they are extra good for you and donest miss daddy tooooo much ( i think you said hes last trip there were tears)....Next mission trip oppertunity...its Anut Jodie and Alayna to play "mom" for a week! We would love that!!!

  2. Did you just get Wetzel's update on email or in newsletter form? We haven't heard from them for awhile as I think they are living where they don't have email service very often.

  3. Thinking of you as R travels...hey, Johannah gave me that picture...did you know I have it??...I love it...

    Yes, we used to hear from Wetzels but don't anymore either...

  4. Annette, I've tried to call you but only your answer service comes on. Been praying for you and the girls there at home and Rodney on his trip.

    Love you,

