Sunday, August 2, 2009

Strange PA...Gravity Hill...maybe God has a sense of humor

have been told this is one of 3 places in the United States of which gravity does not cooperate with the normal laws. Some say it is a landscape illusion. We say, try it for yourself. We put the car in neutral and rolled up the hill at 7 mph. :). the kids were impressed. we were too. I tried to roll what looks like "down" and it just did not. Weird. Awesome. Impossible to show in pics. (and beautiful scenery along the way). :)

1 comment:

  1. Daddy says that going to the Cabana Hot springs where we used to go with Grandma, the river seems to flow uphill and the road seems to be climbing the mountain when it's not. It must be similar to where you were. How interesting!
