Monday, April 18, 2011


Max On Life: Answers and Insights to Your Most Important Questions

"Like autumn leaves on soil,
these wonderings tend to sit and sink in
 until springtime emerges
and I have a thought or two."

"Max on Life" is a collection of Biblical responses to questions from letters received.  Max Lucado invites the reader to open the mailbox to the practical application of the Word in response to honest questions asked.
15. I know the Bible says I'm forgiven. But my conscience says I'm not.
Tether your heart to this promise and tie the knot. (Word) "If our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things" I John 3:20  (application) When you feel unforgiven, evict the feelings. Emotions don't get a vote.

The book is divided into question "sections"
Hope "why am I here?"
Hurt  "why me?"
Help "why church?"
Him/Her sex, romance, and "any chance of a second chance?"
Home diapers, disagreements, and "any hope for prodigals?"
Have/Have-Nots work, money, and "where's the lifeline?"
Hereafter "who goes where?"

As one with a running (constant) "race" of questions, I was very encouraged and refreshed in this read.   The nature of the question/answer format gives the book a different flow than typical Lucado. I will admit I pretty much decided I would not enjoy this before I more than fanned the pages.  Happy to say that my quick judgement was not true and Max Lucado's constant reminder that this life is ALL about God. His glory. Sometime the faithful must suffer.  Jesus prayed. God heard. Jesus died because this was God's plan of salvation. I'll close with this quote, and Lucado's question in return, that has been "somersaulting" through my brain.


"There are times when God chooses to say no to the earthly request
so that He can say yes to the Heavenly one.  Doesn't He still do that today? 
Doesn't He use the challenge of the body to strengthen the soul?"

I appreciate the Addendum The Write Stuff  Max Lucado leaves to me, a reader. 
"written words go to places you'll never go and descend to depths you'll never know"
(things i noted in order to remember and practice) so...Paul wrote for souls. Sometimes preaching poetry.  Write with your life first...the first draft.  When it is time to write be like John. Clear, self-edited thinking that contributes to the message.  "Concise. Clear. Enough...make every word earn its place on the page."

I was given a free copy of this book by Thomas Nelson for the purpose of this review.

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