Friday, May 13, 2011

God's Names

God's Names (Children Desiring God)

"This book was written to give parents an opportunity to present solid truth to their children and to encourage real life application of the truth."

I first heard Sally Michael speak at a Children Desiring God conference.  Her tender passion that children know how BIG God is impacted me.  This is a beautiful "teaching" book that can be used in bedtime discipleship with your children or in a small group setting.  Did you know that the Lord is our Defense?


"that doesn't mean we won't get hurt sometimes.  The Bible says, Our soul waits for the Lord.  Sometimes God lets  His children get "hit" a few times before He stands in the way of the attack.  He helps his children be strong in the attack, and when the time is right He defends them."

*Activity idea to have a family friendly fight with snowballs, water balloons, or wadded paper balls! Be sure to have a shield.  Then talk about how God is a shield for His people.*
Sally reminds the reader that God allowed Jesus to be "hit" for the purpose of protecting us from God's anger toward sin.  God's Names is full of  big and deep truths that are written in a simple and clear way that children will understand. 

Please visit Children Desiring God for more excellent resources.

I received a copy of this book for the purpose of review. 

1 comment:

  1. this looks like a must have book.

    im so glad to read of another parent so intentional about training her children in the way they should go.
