Friday, August 26, 2011

Read and Sing ☺

created by Stephen Elkins
Illustrated by Tim O'Connor

LOVE love this Read and Sing Devotion! It is probably meant for 2-4 years olds...I would suggest birth to 8 ☺ (due to the fact that my eight year old loves it and I myself would have enjoyed playing all the music when my girls were baby/toddler)  Hannah saw this and immediately asked if she could help review it.  Here is her take...
loves the pictures!
 the little devotionals are "just right"

"there is a cd in the front AND the back!"
this is not "going to sleep" rather dancing music!
*(mommy insert ☺) includes classics such as
the B-I-B-L-E
Jesus loves me
Only a Boy named David
Praise Him Praise Him
Whisper a Prayer
as well as older hymns and newer worship
Be Thou My vision
Come Let us Bow Down and Worship
"on a scale of one to ten Mom, I'd give it a ten".

"Hymns and Bible songs are like little devotionals set to music.  They can say, Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul.  They can say I love you, Lord as a heart overflows with God's love.  And that's what this book is all about--creating an overflowing love for God in the heart of your child." from the message to the Parent

 I received this for purpose of review

1 comment:

  1. fantastic! I will have to look for this one..

    a latte of blessings & giggles,
