Thursday, March 31, 2011

5 fav' pics ♥

precious ♥
time goes so fast.  I love this pic of C with her little cousin.
so tenderhearted and full of happy energy!  Her middle name is Joy and she truly lives up to it. 
(if I could say anything to mommies with babies and toddlers, it would be...
one day you will sleep again :)...cherish every moment.
sing over them.  kiss them when they are sleeping.
(and maybe sometimes, i should have put myself in time-out instead.)
this is my baby/toddler that climbed EVERYthing.  and tested ALL the boundaries.
 She had unbelievable and unending energy (and still does). 
 However, there is something magical that happens around 4
 and all the energy becomes more "directed". (laughing).

"snow" cold
I love this girl. She has determination that in the hands of God will do tremendous things ☺
... and a sense of humor that keeps us all laughing.
She is my child that at 14 months old begin to "teach" me 
how important choices are.  I'm saying, she had opinions about fashion,
specifically her own, and I realized that "war" could be on...
some-day she is going to ask, WHY did you let me wear THAT?!!

blue sky peeks through
this was one of the first days the sun came out and it was warm"ish"!
the wind almost blew us away as well :).  the love language of "time". 
 just after this pic I most gracefullystepped into a bunny hole and landed on the melted snow ground :).
snuggle bug
she still "lets" me take lots of pictures ☺.

oh happy day!
there is a little mom and pop's ice scream place that is known to our area as having the biggest and best yummy soft serve. We look for the "OPEN" sign each year at this time. The girls always get strawberry banana twist.  This day we are "celebrating" the first cone of March and certain arrival of spring and warm weather.☺(oh, and the love language of sugar.)

Amber's Articles


  1. Thanks so much for linking up with us!!

    You have a beautiful family. I love that you take the time to capture fun moments with them

  2. These are so sweet--and I love that snuggle bug one, it's beautiful!

  3. My granddaughters are beautiful!!! I agree these were great photos. Now I need one of my oldest daughter with her hubby and two beautiful daughters I can display on my fridge and in the picture frame!!!

  4. super sweet pictures. I love the perspective of the one with the kite.

  5. These are great! Thanks for letting us know we will sleep again :O) he he! I just adore that one that one of the kite...I can't believe how cool the sky looks! You have such an adorable family!! Thanks for linking up!

  6. I especially like the first picture. ;-)

    And thank you for the reminder ("if I could say anything to mommies..."). I needed to hear that.
